【Body Suit for Leica M Typ262】

Hi, it’s Mori.

I heard Leica added a new camera typ262 to Leica M line-up.


It seems a cheap edition… Eh? Cheap?? Although I am prone to focus on the price as a commoner, I think Leica aimed to introduce a cutdown version with enough functions to take good photos. It will surely meet some demands.  The price of Leica M typ240 is \939,600, this new version typ262 is \853,200. There is a pretty big price gap between them, \86,400. And then, I do not feel any senses of bargain, umm…

Ulysses has 2 leather camera cases for Leica, and of course there is a perfect one for Typ262!



【Body Suit for LEICA M/M-P Typ240,246,262】


And now, Leica announced its first mirrorless camera Leica SL.


Even though I saw mixed reactions about it, will this be a good seller?