Body suit for SONY a7Ⅱ (Open Type) will be ready soon!

Hi, I’m Sato, designing member.

Some might have worried that ULYSSES gave up making a open type body suit for SONY a7Ⅱ, but finally we are starting to sell it this month! Sorry we kept you waiting so long.

As we planned at the beginning, the body suit fulfills all the ambitious conditions.


While 【Body suit for SONY a7Ⅱ Open Type】 is put on your a7Ⅱ, you can:


charge the camera         ✔

move the LCD monitor       ✔

use NFC picture transfer   ✔

change SD cards           ✔

change batteries     ✔




We hope you like it:)


We’ve just finished pre-production review, so wait a bit please!